Venue: HK Tennis Centre, Wong Nai Chung Gap Road
Time: 9am to 12:00 noon
Age: 5 to 14 yrs old
Cost: $1500 for 3 days if payment by Dec 10.
$1700 for payments made after Dec 10.
Camp 1: Dec 22,23,24
Camp 2: Dec 29,30,31
Please bring snacks/ drinks for your children.
Coach in charge: 5-9yrs old, Adrian & Matt 10-14yrs old, Graeme & Jason
In case of inclement weather, please check out OTR website www.otrtennis.com 1 hour before the clinic starts or send Coach Adrian an sms to check whether the clinic is on or not.
To register or for more information please email info@otr-tennis.com or contact Adrian 97569843. Please send your payment to the details provided below.
Cheques made Payable to : OTR Tennis Asia Limited
Send to : P.O.Box 28602 Gloucester Road
Post Office,Wanchai, HK
or Make an Online Transfer to:
OTR Tennis Asia Limited
HSBC Account Number 809-353857-001
Please e-mail the reference no., amount and date of transfer .
See you on court
Team OTR