HKTC Summer Tennis Camp – 2022
- June: 20-24, 27-30
- July: 4-8, 11- 15, 18-22, 25-29
- August: 1-5, 8-12
- Red Ball: 9am – 10:30am (Cost HK$390 per day) (max 8 players)
- Orange Ball: 9am – 11am (Cost HK$600 per day) (max 12 players)
- Green Ball: 11am – 1pm (Cost HK$600 per day) (max 12 players)
- Yellow Ball: 2pm – 4pm (Cost HK$600 per day) (max 12 players)
- Hong Kong Tennis Centre (HKTC)
Players will learn techniques, match play, court etiquette and have loads of fun!
Sign up daily or for the week
Note: To sign up for multiple days in a week you must click each date you wish your child to play
Looking forward to being back on court !
For more information contact info@otrtennis.com