Split Step In order to move efficiently the split step is very important as it’s the start of any movement. We often see the incoming volleyer over run the ball not allowing them to be balanced. The split has to be made just prior to your opponent making contact. You want to make sure you land on the balls of your feet / half your knees bent and your stance slightly wider than shoulder width. Once you achieve this you will be able to have time to see the ball and move accordingly.
Poaching Aggressive poaching is key when playing doubles. Too often the volleyer is standing too far from the net when attempting to poach. This makes it difficult to finish the point thus making the volleyer overplay the volley and making errors. Make your opponent play the lob instead of allowing them to hit comfortably through the middle.
Net Position when your partner is returning The net player wants to be positioned on the service line and close to the T junction. Be aware of who you are facing. You should be facing the opposing volleyer. They are your immediate danger in case your partners return is not so good. If you see them shaping up to hit the volley hold your ground and expect it to come at you , if they don’t react and the ball goes past them make your way forward at an angle to cut off the possible shot down the line from the server. Correct movement at the net is vital in doubles